Rewired Cities
Rewired Cities is the name of our series of targeted campaigns designed to capture as many citizen priorities as possible, using the Rewired Priorities Tool.
Ultimately, we are aiming to:
How it works

Demonstrate a new process for joined-up, location based decision-making to enable a just and sustainable transition within cities around the world.
Join the dots across government, business, academia and citizens to uncover, and then accelerate, the shared outcomes, and holistic interventions across climate, health and social justice (and other SDGs).
Give citizens agency so their voices are heard and they become the catalyst for the urgent change needed. No point in having a voice if it's not going to be heard (rewired earth unique position)
Enable any city to transform its approach to sustainability based on shared outcomes.
Co-create an innovative blueprint for scaling those new and existing solutions, based on citizen’s actual needs and values.
Identify the most impactful interventions that drive public and private capital into the places they are needed most.

Phase One
We co-create the campaign with local people to ensure maximum involvement, especially from younger people whose voices are often overlooked, as well as local authorities, businesses, public bodies, academia and civil society organisations.
Phase Two
We roll out the campaign digitally and in person (qualitatively and quantitatively) with a number of partners, live activations, citizen assemblies to start understanding the needs and values of the community at scale, harnessing local experiences and visions.
Phase Three
Carry out a gap analysis between existing policies and plans from across business, Government and NGOs compared against the values, needs and priorities of citizens to reveal the systemic risks, shared outcomes and goals and immediate opportunities for collective action. Present findings for implementation to City Authorities, Cabinet Office, UN, World Bank and C40.