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The Rewired Solution

We are co-developing a shared language for sustainability using the UN Sustainable Development Goals that enables the public to have a voice and the market to reward sustainable behaviour.

This will provide decision-grade information that everyone – citizens, business and government - need to make better decisions. Crucially, we will show how profitable a truly sustainable business can be - accelerating the sustainable transition that the world needs.


The issues

The financial markets have a vital role to play in helping to combat climate change but are not optimised for sustainability.

Identifying what investors, consumers and other stakeholders genuinely prioritise has been challenging. 

The current data is unreliable, so most businesses are not sufficiently incentivised to change.  

There is a lack of trust, transparency and accurate reporting of supply chain impact across all industry sectors. 

People have been working in silos and with different technology when we urgently need a more holistic approach.

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We make the business case for sustainable action

enabling businesses to grow whilst being properly rewarded for helping to save the planet.

Rewired Earth is a next generation, UK-based, non-profit company that works in coalition with public and private actors to rewire business and financial services.  Our innovative and assured, geospatial data-led solution embeds genuine transparency and accountability into supply chains, creating the conditions that will allow the markets to become a powerful force for good. 


Rewire (verb): the transformative process of redesigning or reconfiguring a system, so that it is more effective and aligned with the demand of the users.


How it works

We have created a digital platform and suite of tools that utilise the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to compare what people want businesses and governments to prioritise vs how they are actually doing, based on real, assurable data. 

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As companies meet

stakeholder demand

through genuine

transparency, assured

data and metrics

their share price increases



Least care to most care

Negative to positive impact






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Our Vision

A transformed world, where the financial markets reward organisations that properly invest in regenerative strategies, solutions and business practices that meet their stakeholders' changing needs.


And where anyone with a choice, is empowered to make genuinely sustainable lifestyle decisions with confidence, via a universal labelling system that accurately identifies the sustainability ratings of anything from food and products to pensions, investment portfolios or even parties in an election.

Our Projects

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Rewired AIR

Our flagship Asset Identification Registry helps drive genuine transparency of supply chain asset location.


Rewired Assurance

An aligned assurance framework that provides a common blueprint for the international audit community.


Rewired Metrics

A core set of metrics linked to the UN's sustainable development goals to create a common language for impact reporting.


Rewired Priorities

An insights tool and training package that allows businesses to develop understanding of critical stakeholders’ sustainability preferences.


Rewired Cities

A place-based campaign strategy designed to accelerate people-powered sustainable transitions.

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The Constellation

We have built a ‘constellation’ of leading businesses and universities who have come together for the first time to work in action groups for each of our projects.  The Constellation sits at the heart of everything we do, composed of over 100 leading businesses and universities.  Led by Rewired Earth and Bankers for NetZero (B4NZ), it harnesses support from PwC UK, NatWest, Deloitte, Experian, GS1 UK, Kantar, Ordnance Survey, Phoenix Group, We Don’t Have Time, One Planet, CodeGreen, UNEP Finance Initiative and many more.

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“Without coordinated global action, climate change will have an even more catastrophic impact on human wellbeing and the health of our planet than it already has; we desperately need practical tools and solutions that enable the financial markets and Governments to properly reward sustainable action.  I am incredibly excited about this coalition’s ability to demonstrate the power of those evidence-based solutions, while starting to rebuild trust across society and call on others to join forces with this exciting collaboration”

Lord Iain McNicol, Advisory Board Chair, Rewired Earth

"Businesses and investors have one of the most crucial roles in ensuring the global economy truly transforms to support a sustainable future for our planet. But this transformation relies on capital being confidently directed towards those companies who are truly pulling in the right direction. However, it is challenging to easily identify the businesses that best align with different sustainability goals, as can identifying what investors, consumers and other stakeholders prioritise. This is why PwC is excited to partner with Rewired Earth, whose innovative approach to bridging this gap holds great promise to transform the financial markets into a powerful driver for sustainable growth."

Carl Sizer, Head of UK Regions, PwC

Benefits to Business

  • Your impact data is trusted and regulated. Without the ability to gain from bespoke assessments on ESG and other sustainability initiatives, you will be able to easily compare your sustainability practises to others’ and ultimately profit more from reporting accurate impact data that is properly scrutinised. 


  • The more you look, the better you look. Highlighting flaws and areas to improve on will help you to gain trust with your consumers and investors, meaning they’re more likely to stick with you. It will also provide you with accountability and help you stay on track to meet sustainability targets. 

  • Unlocks huge value potential. The platform gives your business the means to deliver exactly what your consumers and investors want. You’re able to see what the public’s sustainability demands are and deliver them - reaping financial rewards as a result 


  •  A collaborative and holistic approach will save the world! No one person or company can solve these global problems alone.  It requires collaboration. A holistic approach eliminates the need for competing frameworks and unifies societal and environmental solutions, fast-tracking the progress we need to save our planet. 

This is a movement

Now is the moment

See how you can get involved and help make real systemic change happen - for good.

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